Friday, December 3, 2010

My Christmas Wish List Tag

Dear Santa, Please Bring Me.....
1. My very own coffee maker. (I know I asked for a red one, but
honestly, any one will do!)
2. Another matching set of four dishes to add to my birthday gift.
3. Silverware to match my dishes.
4. Those Debbie Macomber books you know I love so much. (The ones
Mrs. Claus got me addicted to last year.)
5. A pair of pajamas. (I get them every year!)
6. A new bible.
7. "Facts of Life" on dvd. (You remember my sister and I watching it
every night when we were younger, pretending our doll houses
were boarding schools!)
8. Cherry Sours (My all time FAVORITE candies)!
9. A desk lamp like the ones you see in all older studies and offices.
The ones with the gold plated stand and the green glass covers.
10. The last 2 books of the Maya Davis series.
Thanks for the tag, Natalie! It certainly puts you back in the Christmas spirit after a trip away from home.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! And I certainly hope Santa bring you those two Maya Davis books! A couple days ago Erynn announced she's putting out a new book next year!!!!! So, I'm very happy about that :D Sour candies rock! I love the lemon and raspberry flavored ones especially.
